December 2024
Prayer Circle and Bible Study at Water Tower Apartment's Outdoor Shelter
Tuesdays, 12:30 pm, No meetings until January
Bible Chat in church lounge
Next meets Thursday, January 2 at 6:30 pm and every other Thursday.
Monthly Shoebox Sunday School, 10 am in the sanctuary
Next meets in January on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
Building an All-Inclusive Community at Freedom Park
Next meets 3rd Monday in January
Soup and Games in Social Hall, 5-7 pm
Next meets on 3rd Tuesday in January. Soup is provided. Bring an item of food and/or a board game to play with others!
Tuesday, December 24, 4:30 pm CHRISTMAS EVE Candlelight Service with Scripture readings and singing Christmas carols. Come and join us!
Worship services are held in the Sanctuary on Sundays, 10 am
A time of food and conversation is served in Social Hall after worship
Sunday worship video and worship bulletins are offered on this website each week on our Media page.
Community groups gather on: Monday evenings--Boy Scouts, Thursday mornings--Little Artists' Colony, Thursday evenings--AA and Saturday mornings--AA.
From our newsletter and worship bulletins:
Prayer Circle meets each Tuesday afternoon at 12:30 pm (check to see if we meet outdoors or in the church)
Church Council meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm at church
Building an All-Inclusive Community meets the third Monday evenings at 6:30 pm at Freedom Park.
Bible Chat gathers every other Thursday evening at 6:30 pm at church (check for specific Thursdays)
You are invited to:
Reach out to one another. We have a Pen Pal Ministry. Email the church office if you wish to participate or need a directory. We also have a variety of cards at church. If you would like birthday, thinking of you, or blank cards, let the office know.
Give to our church's ministries online or by mail or in person. Your generosity helps us maintain our ministries as well as our missions, such as:
Prescott Area Food Pantry
Global Ministries of the United Church of Christ
One Great Hour of Sharing, Neighbors in Need, Strengthen the Church, Christmas Fund
Feed My Starving Children
Mercy Corps
Hold all communities, local and global, in prayer.
"The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those that trust in him."
-Nahum 1:7