Church is not just a place to go. Church is connections and relationships ~ people working together to partner with Christ in caring for all people and all creation.
We volunteer with and donate funds to institutions concerned with hunger, racism, and the environment, both local and national businesses as well as international organizations.
We host community organizations in our building ~ Boy Scouts, Pierce County WIC (Women, Infant, and Children), AA, and the Little Artists Colony.
Whoever you are, wherever life has brought you, you are welcome here!
Our History: We were founded in 1852, the original church building completed in 1859.
Public school classes met in the basement when the school became overcrowded.
City council meetings met in the church.
In 1860, Prescott community met in the church to plan their July 4th celebration.
Rev. Norman McLeod held drills in the church basement and raised a 120-man company, including 13 men from the church, to serve in the Northern Army during the Civil War.
We are a church with a great history and we seek a brighter future.
You are invited to explore our website and learn more about our community of faith.